Laura Anne Farmer

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I love wholesome music, autumn weather, nature, and family. I am in love with LIFE, and intend to make the most of it.

May 4, 2012

A scholarship...and then some!

I GOT THE LeCROY SCHOLARSHIP!!! Two years of my tuition and books completely paid for! I also get two amazing and very kind mentors!!!! And there are only 12 students total in the entire scholar program, and we meet often for meetings, conferences, and dinners, so hopefully I will be able to make some good friends, too! And if I do really well in school, I will be able to transfer as a "LeCroy Scholar" and will most likely be able to nail another scholarship for the next step in my education! AHH! I'm so excited! Thank you to Heavenly Father and my wonderful parents and my sweet counselor for all of their help! :)

So here's what's up: I work for the Chelius family in Sunnyvale for the next year (they are the nicest family in the world, and their house is AMAZING!!!), making good money and growing up a lot as I will be living independently away from my family. Come autumn, I'll attend the Dallas East Stake Singles' Ward, take classes at Eastfield Community College, get my Associates in English, transfer to either UTDallas, Texas Women's University, or Brigham Young University to study Speech and Language Pathology, serve an 18 month mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, return home to complete my SPL degree, and begin working as a Speech and Language Pathologist!!! Somewhere along the way, I hope to meet my Prince Charming. I will not settle for anything less than a temple marriage to a handsome and spectacular Returned Missionary with a strong testimony of the gospel, who is kind and hardworking and who loves me with all of his heart. And I want to be the best mother in the world for my future children. And I want to get to the point in my career where I can work from home so that I can home-school my children until they attend high school. And then I will do all that I can to get my children on missions and married in the temple, and to be the best grandmother! And then the best great-grandmother! Ahhh!!! It'll be so much hard work but it's so exciting and I know that I can do it with lots of help from Heavenly Father!!!! It all starts with my job this summer!!!

Also, I've been trying much harder to stay close to the Spirit lately. I've been really STUDYING my scriptures, keeping a very good scripture journal, and praying much more meaningfully as I work harder to live by all of the commandments. I can't even begin to tell you how much strength I have been blessed with, and within only a few days of making these changes!!! I have been given great desire to work hard, energy to be able to do all that I need to do, an increase of faith, love, patience, and all things good! I've even been able to get back on my diet! And it's not even hard! Yes, I'm totally screaming right now as I type this! Life is so good! God is so good! I love the gospel! I love my family! I love my friends! I love our beautiful world!!! All of these great changes have come just because I covenanted with Heavenly Father that I will do all that is in my power to turn my life around for the better, and asked that in return He help me as much as He can, because I can't do it without Him! HE KEEPS HIS PROMISES!!!! My world is brightening, and opportunities are opening up for me! I am escaping the physical and emotional traps that I have been in all of my life! It is never too late to change, thanks to the atoning sacrifice of our Savior, Jesus Christ!!!! "Knock, and it shall be opened unto you!"